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Storm Theology - When Pigs Fly

Pastor shared insights on "Storm Theology" through the account of Jesus calming the storm in Mark 4:35-41. He emphasized that lessons learned during crises are profound and that God's teachings should apply to our everyday lives. Despite life's storms, Pastor reassured that Jesus cares deeply for us, highlighting His presence with us even in turbulent times. Ultimately, he encouraged trust in Jesus to navigate our storms and cultivate a faith strong enough to weather life's challenges.

Provision - When Pigs Fly

In the sermon titled "Provision" from the series "When Pigs Fly," Pastor Robbey highlights recognizing, trusting, and participating in God's provision based on John 6:1-13. The importance of shifting perspective from scarcity to God's abundance is emphasized, as seen in Jesus feeding the crowd with five loaves and two fish. Through a couple's testimony and biblical examples, the congregation is encouraged to trust in God's timing and participate in His provision by reflecting on His abundance in their lives. The sermon concludes with a call to action for the congregation to identify struggles with trust, shift perspective, and thank God for His abundance.

Healing - When Pigs Fly

In the sermon "Healing" by Pastor Robbey from the series "When Pigs Fly," the story of a woman's miraculous healing from bleeding for twelve years is explored from Mark 5:25-26. Despite facing isolation, financial struggles, and societal barriers due to her condition, the woman's unwavering faith in Jesus motivated her to press through the crowd and touch his garment for healing. Her act of faith resulted in an immediate miraculous healing, showcasing how faith overcomes obstacles and unlocks divine power. The sermon inspires listeners to reflect on their faith and encourages them to trust in Jesus for healing and redemption.

Deliverance - When Pigs fly

Pastor Robbey's sermon delves into the reality of demonic possession, stressing Jesus' authority in delivering the oppressed. He details symptoms of possession and recounts a personal encounter with demonic activity. Emphasizing believers' victory over evil through Jesus, he calls for acknowledging Jesus' authority and filling life with Him to resist spiritual attacks. The sermon concludes with a plea to recognize one's need for deliverance and embrace Jesus' power in overcoming struggles.

Bear With One Another - One Another Series

Pastor Robbey's sermon "Bear With One Another" emphasizes unity and humility in the church community, using Ephesians 4:1-3 as the main text. Through the "One Another" series, he stresses the importance of loving, forgiving, and supporting fellow believers. Addressing isolation, he challenges the congregation to be active members of the church body. By drawing on examples of Jesus' humility, patience, and grace, the sermon encourages believers to prioritize unity, humility, patience, and grace in their interactions with others.

Rebuke One  Another- One Another Series

Pastor Robbey's sermon "Rebuke One Another - Final" emphasizes the importance of lovingly rebuking one another for restoration and growth. He stresses the need to deal with our own sins first before correcting others, using scripture as the basis for rebuke. The purpose of rebuke is restoration, not venting frustrations, and should be done with love and gentleness. Pastor Robbey outlines different types of sins that should be rebuked, encouraging prayer, self-reflection, and reliance on God's Word in the process.

Praying for One Another- One Another Series

In this week's sermon, Pastor Robbey discussed the power of collective prayer as illustrated in Acts 12. He described how the early church prayed earnestly when Peter was imprisoned by Herod, emphasizing the importance of praying together as a community. The sermon touched on historical instances of persecution against Christians and highlighted the miraculous release of Peter by an angel, showcasing God's power in response to prayer. Pastor urged us to believe in the power of prayer and to rely on God's strength, encouraging us to make prayer a priority in our daily lives.In This Sermon,  

Bearing One Another's Burdens - One Another Series

In this sermon, Pastor Robbey discusses the difference between the Law of Christ and the Law of Moses, emphasizing the importance of loving God and others. Jesus fulfilled the Law of Moses through perfect love and sacrifice, leading to the New Covenant based on loving God and neighbors. The sermon addresses how culture promotes self-prioritization, contrasting with the biblical emphasis on community and support. Practical ways to fulfill the Law of Christ include bearing one another's burdens and sharing needs openly for support.