May 19th, 2024
by Robbey Smith
by Robbey Smith
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The sermon by Pastor Robbey emphasizes the importance of prayer in relying on God's strength, and the significance of praying for one another. He highlights biblical examples and urges the congregation to become an intercessory church like Epaphras. The main themes discussed are reliance on God's strength, the power of intercessory prayer, and the need for a vibrant prayer life. The sermon concludes with an invitation for those carrying burdens to seek prayer at the altar and to stop relying on their own strength, but instead to turn to God through prayer.
How can you determine if you are relying on your own strength or God's strength?
Context: Pastor Robbey mentioned that one way to determine this is by examining your prayer life.
Application Question: In which areas of your life do you find yourself relying on your own strength rather than on God's strength, and how could you change this?
Why is intercessory prayer important within the church community?
Context: Robbey explained that intercessory prayer can combat division, slander, and frustration within the church community.
Application Question: Can you think of a situation within the church or your small group where intercessory prayer could have played a significant role in resolving conflict?
What are some ways you can pray for others, as suggested by Pastor Robbey?
Context: He mentioned praying for individuals to walk worthy of the Lord, bear fruits, grow in the knowledge of God's will, and be strengthened by God's power and endurance.
Application Question: Pick one person in your small group or church community and think about how you could specifically pray for them using these suggestions.
In Acts 12:5-11, how did intercessory prayer impact the early church?
Context: Robbey shared how the early church prayed for Peter's release from prison and witnessed God's miraculous intervention.
Application Question: Have you ever experienced a situation where God intervened as a result of intercessory prayer? Share your story with the group.
Who was Epaphras and what can we learn from his example in Colossians 4:2?
Context: Epaphras was a servant of Christ, known for wrestling in prayer for others.
Application Question: How can you apply Epaphras' example of wrestling in prayer for others in your own prayer life?
• Ask God to help us rely on His strength throughout the week.
• Pray that we would be intentional in praying for one another.
• Ask God to deepen our understanding of the power of intercessory prayer.
How can you determine if you are relying on your own strength or God's strength?
Context: Pastor Robbey mentioned that one way to determine this is by examining your prayer life.
Application Question: In which areas of your life do you find yourself relying on your own strength rather than on God's strength, and how could you change this?
Why is intercessory prayer important within the church community?
Context: Robbey explained that intercessory prayer can combat division, slander, and frustration within the church community.
Application Question: Can you think of a situation within the church or your small group where intercessory prayer could have played a significant role in resolving conflict?
What are some ways you can pray for others, as suggested by Pastor Robbey?
Context: He mentioned praying for individuals to walk worthy of the Lord, bear fruits, grow in the knowledge of God's will, and be strengthened by God's power and endurance.
Application Question: Pick one person in your small group or church community and think about how you could specifically pray for them using these suggestions.
In Acts 12:5-11, how did intercessory prayer impact the early church?
Context: Robbey shared how the early church prayed for Peter's release from prison and witnessed God's miraculous intervention.
Application Question: Have you ever experienced a situation where God intervened as a result of intercessory prayer? Share your story with the group.
Who was Epaphras and what can we learn from his example in Colossians 4:2?
Context: Epaphras was a servant of Christ, known for wrestling in prayer for others.
Application Question: How can you apply Epaphras' example of wrestling in prayer for others in your own prayer life?
• Ask God to help us rely on His strength throughout the week.
• Pray that we would be intentional in praying for one another.
• Ask God to deepen our understanding of the power of intercessory prayer.
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