November 13th, 2024
by Robbey Smith
by Robbey Smith
Have you ever said something you immediately regretted? Words can build up or tear down in an instant."
Taming the tongue and living with godly wisdom. James teaches us that our words have power, and true wisdom is shown through humility and peace.
I can still remember telling my mother, "As long as you are drinking, you will not have a relationship with me."... 30+ years later, we still don't have a relationship... Boy, do I wish I would have chosen better words. - Robbey
Let’s dive into James 3 and discover how we can control our words and live out true wisdom in our daily lives.
I can still remember telling my mother, "As long as you are drinking, you will not have a relationship with me."... 30+ years later, we still don't have a relationship... Boy, do I wish I would have chosen better words. - Robbey
Let’s dive into James 3 and discover how we can control our words and live out true wisdom in our daily lives.
The Power of The Tongue
- James 3:5-6 "The tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark."
- Insight: James uses vivid imagery to show how powerful our words are. The tongue may be small, but it has the potential to cause immense damage—or immense good.
- Application: Encourage readers to reflect on how they use their words—are they building others up or tearing them down?
- Action Step: "This week, commit to speaking only words that encourage, build up, or bring life to others. Catch yourself before saying anything negative or harmful.
The Inconsistency of Our Speech
- James 3:9-10 "With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings... Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing."
- Insight: Our speech often reflects a divided heart. We can’t praise God one moment and curse others the next—it reveals a disconnect in our faith.
- Application: Challenge readers to examine their consistency in speech. Do their words align with their faith in all circumstances?
- Action Step: "Take note of any situations where your speech doesn’t reflect your faith. Write down one practical way you can become more consistent in speaking life over others.
True Wisdom Come From Above
- James 3:13 "Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom."
- Insight: Wisdom isn’t just about knowledge—it’s about living humbly and peacefully. True wisdom is demonstrated through actions, not just words.
- Application: Encourage readers to seek wisdom from God rather than relying on worldly knowledge or self-promotion.
- Action Step: Pray for godly wisdom this week. Ask God to help you live humbly and make decisions that reflect His peace and purity.
The Fruits of Godly Wisdom
- James 3:17 "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit..."
- Insight: James contrasts earthly wisdom—marked by envy and selfish ambition—with heavenly wisdom, which produces peace, mercy, and good fruit.
- Application: Challenge readers to evaluate the kind of "fruit" their lives are producing. Are they sowing peace or discord? Mercy or judgment?
- Action Step: Identify one area in your life where you need to replace selfish ambition with peace-loving humility. Take one step toward making peace with someone this week.
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Posted in James Study Guide
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